Holzmaden Fossil Preparation

We prepare your Fossils

Fossil Preparation 
on a fee basis

From "praeparare" (Latin: prepare), the step of the preparation, which determines the result, is derived. On the other hand, there are pieces that are irrevocably lost due to their inadequate preparation.



A professional preparation creates the decisive "added value" of a fossil. Not only do we have the necessary state-of-the-art "tools," but we also have the skills we need to achieve results that meet the highest scientific and aesthetic standards.

Some fossils have not yet seen the light, many a collection is getting old and needs a "refresher".

The workshop of Fossiland is equipped with the most modern tools:

  •      Hand tools, (compressed air) scrapers, etc. 
  •     Gravers of different strengths from HW
  •     Fine blasting equipment with pure iron / calcium carbonate of different grain sizes
  •     Surgical microscope with 50-fold resolution
  •     UV lamps
  •     and much more

Fossils from Bundenbach and Holzmaden are one of the preferred objects of the preparation by Fossiland.


If you are interested, please contact us and send photos without obligation. If possible, please describe your piece or collection. On this basis, you receive an hourly fee offer - with no hidden costs, which you can examine at your leisure. If you do not accept the offer, you will not be bound by any obligations.